About Us
As a church, we seek to follow the example of Christ - He never forces or compels, but he does offer opportunities. As His church we seek to offer the same for others to serve and to learn about Him, but we cannot compel. The choice is down to each person to respond and take advantage of His incredible gift to us of salvation and security. But it is worth a thought that the doors of opportunity will one day close for you and you may run out of time to make that all important choice to meet Him.
Our Minister - Rev Ruth Matthews
Coming to Bloomfield is a new experience for me both as a Probationer Minister (which means I’ve 2 more years until I’m fully ordained) and as a Southerner who has served for most of my life in rural churches in the Republic of Ireland. My husband Colin and our 3 daughters – Grace, Katelynn & Julianne – are looking forward to this new adventure.
Having come to the Methodist Church in Mountmellick in the late 1980’s I fell in love with family I never knew I had or needed. Since then I’ve been active in many areas of church life on a local, district and connexional level – treasurer, society steward, district lay leader, local preacher, youth & children’s ministry, and whatever other little jobs needed to be done.
In my day job over the years I’ve mostly worked in administration and finance, so I like to be organised, but beware the Spirit has been known to take over every now and then.
I love to get to know people so if you would like to pop in and visit the Manse when you’re passing please do. I’ll make sure the kettle is boiling 😊