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Studying the Word The Bible is an awe-inspiring book. However, we don't want merely to admire it; we need to understand it. In fact, the majority of people who have an opinion about the Bible—either positive or negative—don't understand what it says. Such understanding is crucial because the Bible is the Word of God, a fact that becomes especially apparent as you study it. So we need to know how to study the Bible. That encompasses four things: reading it, interpreting it, meditating on it, and teaching it
Reading the Bible
Bible study begins with reading. Yet, quite frankly, a lot of people never get to that point. At best, they nibble at the text. They may read books about the Bible or devotional materials loosely based on it, but they don't read the Bible itself. Good Christian books and magazines that supplement your Bible reading are fine, but there is no substitute for reading Scripture.
The Old Testament
All Christians should try to read through the Old Testament once a year. There are thirty-nine books in the Old Testament, and if you read about twenty minutes a day, you should be able to finish it in one year. The Old Testament is basically a historical narrative interspersed with biblical laws, poetry, and prophecies. The important thing is to be reading through the Old Testament on a regular basis.
The New Testament
The New Testament embodies and engulfs all that was in the Old Testament. It summarizes the content of the Old Testament, and leads us into the fullness of God's revelation to mankind. So you must spend more time studying the New Testament because it explains the Old Testament.
Interpreting the Bible
Once you read the Bible and know what it says, the next step is to find out what it means. Only when you've correctly interpreted a biblical passage can you apply it to your life and bring glory to God. In 1 Timothy 4:13 Paul says to "give attention to the public reading of Scripture, to exhortation [application] and teaching [interpretation]."
Meditating on scripture
Meditation is the process that molds the individual parts into a cohesive comprehension of biblical truth. It's another word for deep thinking and reflection. Meditation—in the biblical sense of the word—is a contemplative, intelligent process, where Eastern meditation attempts to disengage the thinking processes.
Things to Avoid
Don't make a point at the cost of proper interpretation . In other words, don't make the Bible say what you want it to say. Be careful not to interpret the Bible at the cost of its true meaning.
Avoid superficial Bible study . Unfortunately, some Bible studies consist of nothing more than person's saying, "I guess this verse means..." or "What does this verse mean to you?" Basically that's a pooling of ignorance—a lot of people sitting around telling what they don't know about the verse. To have a successful Bible study, someone has to study the passage beforehand to find out what it really means. Only then can you discuss it intelligently and apply it. Interpretation requires work. Don't take the easy way out and believe what everyone tells you the Bible says. Check the facts out yourself. Don't assume there are many interpretations of a biblical passage. There may be many applications, but there is only one true interpretation. God's Word is precise. It is not ambiguous. God has given us the ability to discover its meaning. Many people tend to allegorise the Old Testament. They turn it into a fairy tale with all kinds of hidden meanings—anything but what the text plainly states. Don't spiritualize the Bible. It deserves more respect.
Parts of the Bible may have been written as long as four thousand years ago. Times have certainly changed since then! If you don't understand the culture of the time in which your passage was written, you'll never understand its meaning. If you don't know anything about the Pharisees, Sadducees, and other aspects of Jewish culture, you won't understand the book of Matthew. If you don't know something about Gnosticism, you won't understand the book of Colossians. However, don't fall into the trap of thinking that means we should try to change or adapt scripture to align with current culture concepts. The Bible is a timeless book written to apply to all generations and cultures and will outlast both.
Know the context.
The Bible must be studied in its historical context. What did it mean to whom it was spoken or written? You must also study its literary context. How does the passage or verse you're studying relate to the surrounding text? It has been well said that a text apart from context is a pretext.
Bible Study Resources:
If you are attending any of the bible studies in BMC, or indeed are unable to attend, you may find some of these resources useful. The resources are also invaluable for anyone who is studying from home and wanting to avail of study aids to better understand the scriptures. Firstly, check out the resources already here on this website which can be hugely useful in providing additional information and material of help and if you do find these of use, we'd love to hear about it.
The Journal- The Journal is a powerful diary and writing tool that can help you take control of your life. The Journal is highly flexible and can be personalized to suit your style. Whether for business or personal use, you can customize The Journal to be exactly right for you. (Commercial product). Journaling is a powerful tool of self analysis. With The Journal, you can quickly and easily record your thoughts and feelings throughout the day. Daily Devotionals! Record your spiritual insights and know that you can always find them again.
Bibles and Readings
One Year Bible-- if you prefer to hear daily bible readings rather than having to read the Word then check this site out and subscribe to their daily podcast. There are a number of different audio bibles available online but one of the best is that read by the late Tom Dooley whose hypnotic voice brings the Word to life no matter how many years you listen to him! Or check out this alternative which provides a lot of other options too - Daily Bible readings.
Bible Gateway - one of the best places around to obtain good bible study resources. You can find audio bibles, e-books, commentaries and dictionaries for use in your studies.
Bible.Org- large site devoted to providing multiple bible study tools, and also various theology studies. Has many courses that can be downloaded and/or studied online quite easily with video presentations. Also has a free bible download that is more comprehensive than ESword with many more elements within it (does provide the NIV version), to ensure you can truly research topics and passages etc. A must for any theology student. Vibrant discussion forums.
E-Sword - superb free resource for anyone serious about studying the bible in depth. It not only provides the facility for accessing many different versions of the bible although is missing some of the more popular ones or only provides them as paid versions e.g. NIV, but there is a wealth of cmentaries, dictionaries and other useful aids which can be downloaded and installed into the program, including many of the Greek & Hebrew texts and works of the Ante-Nicene Fathers and Josephus amongst many others. One of the best resources around.
World Wide Study Bible - another useful set of resources all held on one site. Each Chapter has a list of possible commentaries and a host of other invaluable tools to enable you to gain most benefit out of your study.
Methodist Church Bible Study - a good bible study option which provides a week's worth of verses and outlines concisely what they reveal. A bonus is the interactive nature of the study whereby you can comment on your own views and those of others. This is a day by day study option unlike some others which you can dip into at any point.
K-House Bible Study Resources - how to study your bible more effectively at home. Chuck Missler is a renowned teacher and will provide you with a lot of new and interesting ideas on how to get more of your time in the Word
Jesus Walk Bible Studies - The JesusWalk Bible Study Series is designed to engage serious followers in interactive Bible study in a way which changes their lives. Dr. Wilson helps you study the passage carefully, understanding the meanings of the significant Hebrew or Greek words. Then helps you draw out the implications of the passage with questions designed to induce you to apply the lessons to your life.